Top Ranking Media

5 Benefits of a Free Website Analysis


Is your website doing an effective job of attracting new consumers and providing valuable information for current patients? An efficient website will be easy to navigate, contain informative content, incorporate visual elements, and inspire the visitor to continue interacting with your page.


Top Ranking Media offers a free website analysis that helps practices understand the impression their page makes on visitors, as well as identify ways that the design can be improved. Here are some benefits companies experience when having a professional eye scrutinize their online presence.


  1. Improve Site Performance

In the modern age, your patients want their information quickly. Did you know that 47% of consumers expect your page to load in two seconds or less? Furthermore, 40% of these visitors will navigate away from your page if it takes more than three seconds to load. A web analysis will find out the reasons why your page might be taking too long to load, as well as ways to boost speeds (such as compressing your images).



  1. Understand Your SEO Rankings

The majority of your web visitors are discovering your website through search engines. SEO aims to grow visible organic (meaning non-paid) search results and increasing the visibility of your page. Using the right keywords and phrases will help your target audience find your page while on search engines like Google. A free web analysis will cast a critical eye on your search engine optimization and figure out how you can improve your rankings and get more traffic to your page.


  1. Determine Mobile Optimization

Did you know that 62% of smartphone owners use their devices to research health information? If your website isn’t optimized for mobile, it might not function smoothly on their device. This makes a visitor more likely to get frustrated and navigate away from your site, causing you to lose out on potential new patients. A website analysis will tell you whether your website is optimized for mobile, and how its functionality can be improved for smartphone users.


  1. Learn How to Expand Marketing Efforts

Would your business benefit from having a social media presence (hint: yes) or conducting a PPC campaign? A web analysis can evaluate specific areas and help you pinpoint which areas of your marketing strategy could use a boost. This could mean anything from launching an email newsletter to switching up your SEO tactics.


  1. Build a Budget

Many companies put off revamping their website or marketing channels due to budget or timeline concerns. During a web analysis, you will be able to establish a redesign plan that is done in phases. Depending on your needs, this could mean redesigning your site structure first, then moving on to testing a new SEO marketing campaign and building online reviews.


A free web analysis is a great way to identify ways you can increase traffic to your website, fix design errors that impact the functionality of your page, and ultimately boost lead generation. Contact Top Ranking Media today to request your complimentary analysis and learn how you can improve your marketing efforts.


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